sunnuntai 14. marraskuuta 2010

Describing own culture

First thing which comes to mind when I think about Finnish culture is independency. Although we respect families  and it means a lot for us, Finnish people tend to be really independent. We move out from home to live on our own rather early compared to other countries.

Others might find Finnish people a bit cold. I'd say that generally still there's no strong small talk-culture in Finland, so it might feel odd for a foreigner. And when we are having a conversation with someone, we listen quiet and don't interrupt. I've heard because of this some foreigners think we are bored or we don't understand, but we're just being polite :D

Like the "Exploring Culture" text says, it's hard to describe your own culture. But since I came to Korea, I've noticed many new sides of Finnish culture, which I didn't recognize or realize earlier. When you step into another culture, you know where you're from.. and it's only a good thing! Now it's easier to see the pros and cons of your own culture, when you have some distance to it.

Opinion from last weeks class: it was the best so far.


maanantai 1. marraskuuta 2010

week 8: freshman suicide

I read the article here:

Sad thing that it ended like the way it did. Tyler should have realized that one tape is not the end of the world. Of course for a man his age, it can feel like it. I'd say all people included did wrong. It's wrong to step into someone's privacy. Also committing suicide is something only a coward does (everyone probably understands why). But, this all brings up discussion on how the young generation is doing. One question comes to my mind: would have tyler done the same thing, if he was in the video with a girl? -i think not.

That's my opinion for short. See ya!